Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lobster Roll Time

I saw a picture of the infamous "Lobster Roll" in one of the culinary magazines I get each month, and thought to myself, despite the fact that I have been cooking professionally off and on for over 25 years, I don't believe I have ever had a lobster roll. I have never been to Massachusetts, or for that matter Rhode Island or Maine where these sandwiches originate, so that would be the most likely reason I haven't tried one. Yes I was making Abalone fajitas, and eating Uni fresh out of the urcheon 25 years ago, but not the lobster roll.

In doing a little research on the sandwich, I gathered that less is more for this dish. Some recipes reduce it down to the lowest common denomonator (White hot dog bun, lobster, mayonnaise) that didn't really appeal to me. I did keep it simple to not mask the delicate flavor of lobster. Here is my riff on the lobster roll, along with an accompaning salad I served with it, which in it's own right was simple and spectacular. Enjoy!

Alchemy Lobster Roll

1 baguette
3 ounce lobster meat (per serving)
1 Tbs. mayonnaise (per serving)
1 Tbs. fine minced garlic chives (per serving) (from our farm)
juice of 1/2 lemon
sliced tomato
fine shredded romaine lettuce
Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper to taste

Technique: Mix lobster, mayo., chives, and lemon juice together. Season with salt and pepper and blend very lightly (as not to destroy the lobster) Toast baguette and butter lightly. Assemble sandwich as pictured. Devour immediatly!

Cucumber-Citrus Salad

1 cucumber (peeled)
1 orange (peeled, sectioned, and pith removed)
1 Tbs. garlic chives
1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil (use the best possible)
Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper

Technique: Peel cucumber, and section orange. Mix with fine diced chives, and toss with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper and serve.

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