Yes, It is true. Spring is here! Although with the temperatures and snow we have had in the last week you would still be convinced that actual spring is a long way off. We open the greenhouse yesterday. All we can plant now are the crucifers, spinach, and some hearty greens. Tomatoes, herbs, and peppers are at least two weeks away yet. We will be selling live plants in about a month, herbs, flowers, vegetables of all sorts. If you live in the area, and grow a garden then talk to us! We can save you some money as well as provide chemical free heirloom starts. We have chosen to invest in a large amount of agricultural cloth this season due to the fact that I am busy with all the other aspects of my life, and don't have countless hours to dedicate to pulling weeds. I was never a big fan of this method, but it does make sense. Yesterday we planted beets, radishes, chards, kales, spinach, and rutabaga. These will go in the ground in approx. two weeks.
We intend to specialize in lettuces, greens, herbs, and tomatoes this season, as well as hundreds of other species. We also plan to expand the orchard and berry plots to include blueberries, a hearty peach species I found, loganberries, and wine grapes. Should be a great year for strawberries and raspberries (If we don't get hit too hard by the bears again)
This time of year fills me with hope, and new beginnings, and general sense of well being. The kids are older now and are taking and active part in the process, and Kate is pumped as well. Please consider buying your plants and vegetables this summer, I bring a better product to the table. We won't be doing any more farmers markets, they are too full with competition, and it is an extreme amount of time spent that we could be on the farm.

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