My friend from New Zealand has written another book. Kennedy Warne is the former head of the New Zealand National Geographic, author, editor, and photographer (amongst other vital skills and amusements). The book is called "Let them Eat Shrimp". A serious look at the mangrove forests that line the coasts of many southern land masses, and how the advent of shrimp farming has decimated these vital aqua-culture zones that so many species of mammals, birds, and sea creatures depend on. the story doesn't end with the animal kingdom, there is a sinister and criminal human element as well at work here. All the intrigue of a thriller novel, but with real life effect.
I am trying to support him and his publisher on getting over to the states this year for a book tour. America is fat and vulger in their pursuit of the "all you can eat shrimp feed", and we clearly need to change how we eat or an entire way of life will dissapear from this planet. Have a look at book, and at Kennedy's website Better yet, Buy the book.
I also have a selfish reason to promote a book tour, I want to get him to Wisconsin for a farm stay, and see what mischief we can get ourselves into.
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